Editor's Picks
Canning the can’t — fun with homonyms and word vectors
As a company specialised in natural language understanding, word embeddings are one of the building blocks of our technology. Our NLU models need to be capable of correctly ‘understanding’ what is written or said...
A Message From This Week's Sponsor
Quick Question For You: Do you want a Data Science job?
After helping hundred of readers like you get Data Science jobs, we've distilled all the real-world-tested advice into a self-directed course.
The course is broken down into three guides:
- Data Science Getting Started Guide. This guide shows you how to figure out the knowledge gaps that MUST be closed in order for you to become a data scientist quickly and effectively (as well as the ones you can ignore)
- Data Science Project Portfolio Guide. This guide teaches you how to start, structure, and develop your data science portfolio with the right goals and direction so that you are a hiring manager's dream candidate
- Data Science Resume Guide. This guide shows how to make your resume promote your best parts, what to leave out, how to tailor it to each job you want, as well as how to make your cover letter so good it can't be ignored!
Click here to learn more ...
Data Science Articles & Videos
Who's a Good AI? Dog-based data creates a canine machine learning system
We’ve trained machine learning systems to identify objects, navigate streets and recognize facial expressions, but as difficult as they may be, they don’t even touch the level of sophistication required to simulate, for example, a dog. Well, this project aims to do just that — in a very limited way, of course...
Forecasting Uber Demand in NYC
I decided to see if I could forecast hourly Uber demand across NYC neighborhoods. In addition to time-lagged features (such as previous week’s demand), I added information specific to each neighborhood to improve my predictions. As a final result, I obtained relatively accurate unique forecasts for all neighborhoods in NYC...
Paper Repro: Deep Neuroevolution
In this post, we reproduce the recent Uber paper “Deep Neuroevolution: Genetic Algorithms are a Competitive Alternative for Training Deep Neural Networks for Reinforcement Learning”, which amazingly showed that simple genetic algorithms sometimes performed better than apparently advanced reinforcement learning algorithms on well studied problems such as Atari games. We will ourselves reach state of the art performance on Frostbite)...
Text Embedding Models Contain Bias. Here's Why That Matters.
Neural network models can be quite powerful, effectively helping to identify patterns and uncover structure in a variety of different tasks, from language translation to pathology to playing games. At the same time, neural models (as well as other kinds of machine learning models) can contain problematic biases in many forms...
Probabilistic Machine Learning in TensorFlow
In this episode of Coffee with a Googler, Laurence Moroney sits down with Josh Dillon. Josh works on TensorFlow, Google’s open source library for numerical computation, which is typically used in Machine Learning and AI applications. He discusses working on the Distribution API, which is based on probabilistic programming. Watch this video to find out what exactly probabilistic programming is, where the use of Distributions and Bijectors comes into play, & how you can get started...
Ads That Click
Classifying Ads using CATBoost Model based on the features of the ads and the user’s behavior. The objective of my project was to analyze user behavior and derive if they will like a particular ad in the future or not. The intent was to maximize the value of the advertiser at the same time improve the user experience...
Data Scientist - VillageCare - NYC
VillageCare is a community-based, non-profit organization serving people with chronic care needs, as well as seniors and individuals in need of continuing care and rehabilitation services.
The Data Scientist will support our Provider Relations team with insights gained from analyzing company data. The ideal candidate is adept at using large data sets to find opportunities for product and process optimization and using models to test the effectiveness of different courses of action...
Training & Resources

Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python
"It does three things superbly: covers the basic low level tools of a data scientist (the "from scratch" part), gives a great overview of useful Python programming examples for those new to Python, and gives an amazingly succinct yet high level overview of the mathematics and statistics required for data science..."...
For a detailed list of books covering Data Science, Machine Learning, AI and associated programming languages check out our resources page...