This video will show you how to add a new dimension to the beginning of a PyTorch tensor by using None-style indexing.
First, we import PyTorch.
import torch
Then we print the PyTorch version we are using.
We are using PyTorch 0.4.0.
Let’s now create a PyTorch tensor using the PyTorch Tensor operation and we’re going to have the dimensions be 2x4x6x8, and we’re going to assign this uninitialized tensor to the Python variable pt_empty_tensor_ex.
pt_empty_tensor_ex = torch.Tensor(2,4,6,8)
Let’s check what dimensions our pt_empty_tensor_ex Python variable tensor has.
We see the dimensions are 2x4x6x8.
What we want to do next is we want to add a new dimension to the beginning of our PyTorch tensor.
The way we’ll do this is by using the None-style indexing.
pt_extend_beginning_tensor_ex = pt_empty_tensor_ex[None,:]
So we’re going to use a capital N, and for the first index we’re going to say None, and we say comma, and then we’re going to use a colon.
The colon notation means that we want the rest of the tensor.
The None tells PyTorch that we want a new axis for the tensor to be assigned at the very beginning.
We assign that result to the pt_extend_beginning_tensor_ex Python variable.
Let’s check the size of the tensor because we told PyTorch to create a new axis at the beginning of it.
When we do this, we see that the dimensions of the tensor are now 1x2x4x6x8.
Before, it was 2x4x6x8, so we see that we have the new axis here.
Perfect - We were able to add a new dimension to the beginning of a PyTorch tensor by using None-style indexing.